Feed-Rate Controller
Weigh-Belt Feeder
Load Controller

SciTronics Digital Processors are designed to monitor and calculate tons per hour, total tons and belt speed and work in conjunction with one or up to four conveyor belt scales commonly used in rock crushing plants, asphalt and concrete products batch plants, ore processing plants, coal preparation plants, recycling plants, paper and wood processing plants.

Processor Model DSP 1000/VF incorporates a high intensity, 3-level adjustable, 4-line, 20-character alphanumeric display. Ideal for indoor viewing.

Processor Model DSP 1000/LC features a liquid crystal display for better viewing outdoors in direct sunlight.

Both processors can be factory custom-programmed to display user's exact data. Typically used to identify conveyor function or product. Processors can also be used in conjunction with most strain-gauge type belt scales.

Options include printer or computer interface and plug-in cards for relay outputs and 4-20 mA output.

You can count on SciTronics accurate, dependable processors and outstanding service before, during and after installation.

• Model DSP 1000/VF has adjustable intensity,
  4-line, 20-character vacuum fluorescent display
  with screen saver.
• Model DSP 1000/LC has liquid crystal display for
  easy reading in direct sunlight.

• Easy initial setup of data
• Full-time self-diagnostics
• Selectable units of measurement
• Real-time clock calender
• Multiple scale interface
• Optional printer or computer interface
  (plug-in PC board)
• Optional plug-in cards for relay outputs
  and 4-20 mA output